Linked below is my step by step guide to building your own very affordable and professional looking acoustic treatment. Since I recommend supplies that can be purchased at just about any big box hardware store, and constructed with tools you likely already own, this is an easy and very fulfilling way to treat your studio with sound absorption like the pros, without the cost.
Additionally, these panels account for all of the fundamental design requirements found in professional panels including size, density, and depth. Here are some specs right from the Rockwool website:
While the density of the insulation is a contributing factor to the effectiveness of the sound absorption, Safe and Sound is rated at 2.4lbs / CuFt, it is the actual thickness of the Rockwool installation that will determine the overall absorption. At 3", Safe and Sound Rockwool will absorb 50% of frequencies @ 125hz, and 100% from 250-20khz. At 6", it will absorb 100% of frequencies from 125-20khz.
This is why the wall-mounted Crowe Traps are designed in thicknesses of 3" and 6". Even at 3", they are very effective at managing low-midrange. To gain even more absorption over frequencies lower than 125hz, we recommend you employ Corner Traps:
16" Corner Trap - This design provides a massive reduction in bass build-up meanwhile consuming very little of your overall floorpan. It is 16" deep (>5x deeper than the 3" Wall Trap) which targets low and sub-low frequencies. Used strategically, it will remove much of the bass build-up in your room and costs less than $100 which is a very affordable alternative to bass traps that run $400-1,000 on the internet.
6" Wall Trap - This is a 6" deep, 2'x4' panel with a double layer of 3" thick Rockwool (2x deeper than the 3" Wall Trap) which is very effective in managing frequencies from 125-20khz. They can be hung very easily at first reflection points or anywhere else, and run around $50 each. Similar traps will run you between $150-300 online.
3" Wall Trap - This is a 3" deep, 2'x4' panel with a single layer of 3" thick Rockwool that is effective at managing frequencies from 250-20khz. They can be made for less than $40 each which is a nice alternative to similar panels that go for $150-200 on the internet.
If you would like a deeper dive into managing acoustics in your studio, refer to the chapter on Acoustic Treatment.