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Explore AfterLife.


AfterLife is a master-grade, stereo, analog saturator that adds natural even and odd harmonic saturation and compression to any source without all of the expensive components found in most bus processing hardware.

The high-quality, low-noise design is perfect for Mastering, adding clean analog saturation and a smooth finish. It can also be employed against Individual Tracks or even a Group bus with levels from subtle harmonics to crushed compression. Or apply it to your Mix Bus to add color and shape to your production before mastering.


The harder you push it, the more beautiful harmonic series emerge! And with analog saturation you get natural compression! AfterLife will tame transients with natural analog compression unlike any plugin. The harder you push it, the more pleasing compression emerges!


AfterLife also produces nearly zero attenuation or boost in frequencies (a flat frequency response curve) which is critical for mix-down and mastering!


Here is AfterLife responding to a 100hz tone at the Extended level (audible saturation and compression). Notice the additional harmonic bands beyond the 100hz signal that are generated exclusively by AfterLife. Also notice the low noise floor that results from a pretty high level of saturation:


Flat Frequency Response

The problem with most saturation plugins and hardware is they intentionally modify the output frequency response. But saturation isn’t boosting or cutting frequencies, that’s EQ. Many times without these EQ adjustments, the saturation produced is not likely to be all that impressive. When we are looking for saturation on a Master or Mix Bus, we absolutely don’t need or want anything but a flat frequency response, otherwise, we use compensate with more EQ moves.

AfterLife produces a flat frequency response, there is no marked boost or attenuation in the high or low-end, no scooped-out midrange to fool your ears. All frequencies sent to AfterLife are returned at their original levels. The only change is the level of saturation and compression that is completely under your control!



AfterLife employs superior quality, low noise, color components that are rarely found in pro audio hardware because they are expensive to manufacture. Instead, engineers will use inexpensive integrated chips and circuitry to keep their costs low. Unfortunately, this does not always result in a high quality sound!


When we built AfterLife, we sacrificed nothing in the color circuit. Instead, we simply eliminated all of the components you already have available in your DAW like gain & level management and meters. You have all the tools you need right there in your DAW already!

Each unit is hand-biased to ensure both channels are sonically identical. What you get is the highest quality, master-grade saturation tool on the market, at the lowest price!


Natural Analog Saturation

AfterLife produces saturation in multiple distinct levels. Depending on the peak of the source (we recommend -18 to -12dB), and the amount of energy delivered by the source (low-end dominant sources like bass and kick will excite AfterLife sooner), you can expect these general saturation levels as you increase the Send level of your source:

  • Default (+0dB) - Subtle saturation

  • Normal (+2dB) -  Mildly audible saturation

  • Extended (+4dB)  - Audible saturation

  • Extended+ (+6dB)  - Very audible saturation

Here are some samples of these different levels:

Default Saturation


Extended Saturation


Default - At this level, AfterLife will produce subtle saturation against its source, and some natural compression. This is the recommended starting place on your Mix Bus or Master.

Normal Saturation - AfterLife will now become excited and add a mild level of even & odd harmonics and more natural compression. Pushing a Master or Mix Bus at this level is quite pleasing. The compression and harmonics that emerge will broaden the sonic footprint of the source without sounding like an effect.

Extended Saturation - AfterLife will now add an audible but low noise level of even and odd harmonics and compression. Pushing a Mix Bus at this level is still very safe depending on the source. It can beautifully transform the entire production. This is also where tracks and groups will start to benefit from AfterLife. Kick drums have much more body. Bass guitars and bass synths become washed with low end bloom. Midrange instruments like guitars, synths, and vocals will have a noticeably more broad, distortion-free sonic footprint including a controlled high-end.

Extended+ Saturation - At this level, AfterLife will begin to maximize its saturation potential, emerging with a low noise but very audible level of even and odd harmonics and compression.​​​​​

Not all sources will respond in this identical manner. Mid and high-end sources may require a few more dB. Of course you are welcome to push AfterLife to its limits, these are simply guidelines for what to expect at each of these levels.

Audio Samples

Listen for yourself the difference AfterLife can make on your mix. Here we have a song that was mixed dry, with no AfterLife against its tracks/groups. Then we added AfterLife to the vocals, some guitars, keyboards, bass, and drums, and finally bounced a non-mastered mix-down with AfterLife on the mix bus. Notice the overly "digital" sound is dramatically reduced by simply adding AfterLife. The audible harmonics broaden the sonic floor while the natural compression magically keeps everything in check!

Dry Song Sample 1
AfterLife Song Sample 1
Dry Song Sample 2
AfterLife Song Sample 2
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